Let me begin by setting some context. As always, YMMV:
I have a thick, coarse beard coupled with sensitive skin. Although I normally use gillette blades or other Russian blades, I decided to give these a try as a daily driver given their price point.
These blades have a tendency to pull and tug slightly, and they leave a lot of razor burn on the first shave. I have not noticed much improvement in subsequent shaves, and they are rather dull by shave 3.
That being said, if your technique is very good and on the right razor (I used a Merkur 23C with so-so results and a Parker 26 with better, but still mediocre results) it is possible to get a good shave, but even at its best, I found that I only was able to get a good shave if all things lined up:
- complete prep (post shower, pre-shave oil, good lather from shaving soap -- I use Italian barber Acquatico)
- right razor
- good technique
Conclusion: not a good razor for one's everyday shaving, where you don't always have time to fully prep or spend the time to get your tetchnique perfect. These remind me a lot of Shark brand blades, which are the only other blade I tried that I did not like.